Brain CT

Plain - non-trauma

There is no evident acute territorial infarct, acute intracranial hemorrhage, or focal mass lesion.

The ventricles are normal in size and configuration. The cisterns and sulci are not effaced. Midline structures are in place.

The cavernous sinuses are symmetrical. The sella and suprasellar regions are intact. The brainstem and cerebellum are preserved.

The visualized paranasal sinuses and petromastoids are adequately aerated and  clear.

The osseous structures are intact.


No evident acute territorial infarct, acute intracranial hemorrhage, or focal mass lesion. Follow-up MRI may be done, if clinically indicated

Contrast - non-trauma

There is no acute territorial infarct, acute intracranial hemorrhage or enhancing mass lesion. Gray white matter differentiation is preserved.

The ventricles are normal in size and configuration. The cisterns and sulci are not effaced. Midline structures are in place.

The cavernous sinuses are symmetrical. The sella and suprasellar regions are intact. 

The brainstem and cerebellum show no focal density change.

There is satisfactory enhancement of the major vessels. No abnormal parenchymal or meningeal enhancement seen.

The visualized paranasal sinuses and petromastoids are adequately aerated and clear.

The osseous structures are intact.


No acute infarct, intracranial hemorrhage or enhancing mass lesion. MRI may be done for further evaluation if clinically indicated. 


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