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Cranial ultrasound



BRAIN Plain CHEST Plain | Contrast CTPA ABDOMEN Plain | Contrast Stonogram

Chest (Plain)

LINKS Thoracic lymph nodes Bronchopulmonary segments Chest Negative for pleural nor pericardial effusion. Both lung fields are clear. No sign for discrete pulmonary mass or nodule. The heart is not enlarged. The great vessels are normal in caliber without signs for dissection. The trachea and both mainstem bronchi are patent without endobronchial lesion. The esophagus is intact without discrete mass. No evidence for enlarged mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes. The visualized osseous structures are unremarkable without lytic or sclerotic lesions. Imaged upper abdomen are clear. Upper abdominal findings are detailed in a separate chest CT scan report done on the same date. Findings on the imaged upper abdomen are detailed in a dedicated study done on the same date. There are no evident intraluminal filling defects within the imaged pulmonary vascular tree, pulmonary conus, right atrium and right ventricle. The main pulmonary artery and central pulmonary vessels are not dilated. The pulmon


Both kidneys are normal in size. The right kidney measures _ x _ x _ (AP x T x CC), while the left kidney measures _ x _ x _. No calcified nephrolithiasis or hydronephrosis is identified. Ureters are not dilated. The adequately distended urinary bladder shows no abnormal intravesical density or wall thickening. The visualized liver shows no discrete mass lesion. Parenchymal attenuation is within normal limits. The intrahepatic and extrahepatic ducts are not dilated. The adequately distended gallbladder shows no calcified cholelithiasis or wall thickening. Common bile duct is not dilated. The pancreas is normal in size without focal enlargement or density change. The pancreatic duct is not dilated. Peripancreatic fat planes are not hazy. The spleen and both adrenal glands are normal in size without discrete lesion. No significantly enlarged retroperitoneal, mesenteric, pelvic and inguinal lymph nodes. Negative for ascites. The visualized gastrointestinal tract, including the normal-siz

Abdomen (contrast)

The liver is not enlarged and exhibits smooth contour. Parenchymal attenuation is within normal limits. The intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts are not dilated. No enhancing mass lesion seen. Portal vein is patent. - FVL The adequately distended gallbladder shows no calcified cholelithiasis or wall thickening. Common bile duct is not dilated. The pancreas is normal in size without focal enlargement or density change. The pancreatic duct is not dilated. Peripancreatic fat planes are not hazy. The spleen and both adrenal glands are normal in size without discrete lesion. Both kidneys are normal in size without calcified nephrolithiasis or hydronephrosis. Ureters are not dilated. The adequately distended urinary bladder shows no abnormal intravesical density or wall thickening. No significantly enlarged retroperitoneal, mesenteric, pelvic and inguinal lymph nodes. Negative for ascites. Bowel gas pattern is non-obstructive. The visualized gastrointestinal tract, including the normal-s

Abdomen (non-contrast)

The liver is not enlarged and exhibits smooth contour. Parenchymal attenuation is within normal limits. No discrete mass lesion seen. The intrahepatic and extrahepatic ducts are not dilated. The adequately distended gallbladder shows no calcified cholelithiasis or wall thickening. Common bile duct is not dilated. The pancreas is normal in size without focal enlargement or density change. The pancreatic duct is not dilated. Peripancreatic fat planes are not hazy. The spleen and both adrenal glands are normal in size without discrete lesion. Both kidneys are normal in size without calcified nephrolithiasis or hydronephrosis. Ureters are not dilated. The adequately distended urinary bladder shows no abnormal intravesical density or wall thickening. - The urinary bladder is underdistended, with consequent mild wall thickening. No abnormal intravesical density is identified. *** Mild urinary bladder wall thickening, may be due to underdistended state. Correlate clinically. ***The size of re

Brain CT

Plain - non-trauma There is no evident acute territorial infarct, acute intracranial hemorrhage, or focal mass lesion. The ventricles are normal in size and configuration. The cisterns and sulci are not effaced. Midline structures are in place. The cavernous sinuses are symmetrical. The sella and suprasellar regions are intact. The brainstem and cerebellum are preserved. The visualized paranasal sinuses and petromastoids are adequately aerated and clear. The osseous structures are intact. IMPRESSION: No evident acute territorial infarct, acute intracranial hemorrhage, or focal mass lesion. Follow-up MRI may be done, if clinically indicated